On December 24, 1968, one of the most influential environmental photographs of history was taken during the Apollo 8-mission: the picture of the planet Earth rising over the horizon of the moon, popularly named Earthrise. Five decades after this event we think one of the crucial discoveries of manned space missions was not what mankind found out about space, but about Earth. Earthrisehas forever changed our perception of the planet. We have begun to understand that Earth is delicate and requires protection rather than exploitation – and GreenMania is determined to offer a simple and engaging way for it.

We are sure that a fair treatment of fellow human beings and our environment is an integral part of a good life regardless of all other values or believes. Many people around the world share this vision – as well as more and more firms and institutions. GreenMania’s solution is aimed at these individuals, institutions and companies. We use digital technology to show the value of our shared social and ecological goods. Our goal is to reward our partners for positive contributions to these ones. We strive to become the leading transparency and engagement system for a fair and ecological lifestyle, to firmly anchor sustainable action on the daily basis and to increase the level of integration and efficiency of the markets for sustainable consumption as well as to extend their reach.

To that end, we have launched our own prototype in the field: A complementary currency system that measures individual contributions to the common good and offers (partial) monetization as an incentive mechanism. This is our contribution to honor the original Earthrise. While we know our system is not perfect, it has the merit of existing and of offering now a meaningful action. We strive to get better every hour, day, week and month. We are currently conducting exploratory talks to launch the prototype for three different use cases.

Case Study:
Smart Cities

Aim: Increasing citizen engagement for social and environmental goal with a focus on strengthening the local economy.
Aspects: Creation of a value-add-system for municipalities that build up citizen/customer loyalty for municipal companies essential for cities’ finances. The currency is rewarded for (green) electricity contracts with municipal utilities, use of public transport, “green” accounts with a local savings bank and can be redeemed in local retail stores.
Effects: Incentivization of sustainable action in the local context, improvement of citizens’ engagement, increasing collection of essential data for the city management, integration of tools like digital “city keys”.
Status: Initial exploratory talks.

Use Case:
Reward System for Volunteers

Aim: Offering a new kind of reward system for volunteers engaged in sports associations.
Aspects: Voluntary engagement is quantified via GreenMania-currency system, socially verified (e.g. via club managers, trainers, other volunteers) and monetized via the Impossible Shopwhich offers curated and sustainable as well as unique products.
Status: Initial exploratory talks.

Use Case:
Democratization of Sustainability Data

Aim: Promotion of the use of sustainable commodities and/or sustainable production methods in different industries/for different products via the GreenMania-complementary currency system.
Aspects: Collection of currency via scanning of bar-code or specific code attached to the end-product by the end-customer. Opportunity to incentivize further information intake by additional currency units.
Status: Initital exploratory talks.