GreenMania acts as the main contractor or as a subcontractor for consultancy projects depending on the scope and structure of them. We are happy to serve as external advisors in complex, international initiatives.


The GreenMania-team offers consulting and implementation services for a wide range of projects – whether it is climate smart, community-based forestry or agroforestry ones both on the international and local smart city level.


The GreenMania-team offers conservation finance consulting. We have a deep knowledge of the field instruments such as blue bonds, conservation linked notesand carbon market-linked approaches coupled with concepts like blended finance. We know how to structure projects to meet funding requirements of core players in the field like the Global Environmental Facility (GEF)


The GreenMania-team offers policy advice in the field of sustainability. Areas of expertise include the integration of sustainability into the current regulatory set-up of the financial system as well as recommendations for private and public institutions how and where they should engage.


The GreenMania-team professes excellent knowledge of developments and initiatives in the field of green digital finance. The company has launched its own prototype in the field: A complementary currency that measures individual contributions to the common good and offers (partial) monetization as an incentive mechanism: the Earthrise-project.